
Pronunciation key

( fās )


[ME.; OFr.; LL. facia < facies the face, appearance.]


The New World Family Encyclopedia, ©1955, defines FACE as:
The bony foundation of the human face is composed of 14 bones, 12 of which occur in pairs. The single bones are the vomer, which separates the nostrils, and the bone of the lower jaw, or inferior maxillary, the only one that is movable. The superior maxillary, or upper jawbone, contains upper teeth. Two malar bones form the cheeks; two palate bones, the palate; and two turbinated bones, the outer walls of the nostrils. Between the eye socket and the nose are two lachrymal bones. The bridge of the nose is formed by two nasal bones. All of these bones of the face are irregular in form. Beneath the frontal bones, which belong to the cranium are two deep quadrangular cavities, called the orbis, which contain the eye sockets, tear apparatus and protective organs of the eye. Located in the depressions and small cavities are glands, nerves and blood vessels."

Facial Bones
Anterior view. Cranial bones, includes frontal, parietal, and sphenoid bones which cover the top of the head. The facial bones of the skull form the face and provide cavities for the eyes, nose, and mouth.

  1. The anterior portion, or front of the head. From the top of the forehead to the bottom of chin and from ear to ear. Where the nose, eyes and mouth are located within. In humans, the surface between the top of the forehead and bottom of the chin and extending laterally from ear to ear.
  2. Visage
  3. Countenance, personal force, influence or opinion as if expressed in the countenance. (Example: He set his face toward it.)
  4. Expression of the countenance.
  5. Surface or most important surface, of some thing. A working or functional surface, the side presented for view, or a particular adjustment or modification, for operation.
  6. Main surface or side of a solid, face of a dam, a face of a crystal, face of a playing card.
  7. The facade of a building.
  8. Flattened portion of a propeller blade.
  9. Especially the front, outer, upper surface.
  10. The obverse of a coin or medal which bears an effigy.
  11. Inscribed side of a document or the printed side of a paper.
  12. The side or suface that is marked such as the dial of a clock or watch, a playing card, a domino, or finished such as fabric.
  13. The outward aspect, appearance. External; look, show, outward effect, impression.
  14. Presence (Example: "In the face of poverty".) Immediate cognizance; sight, before the face of.
  15. Facial expression (Example: "She put on a sad face.")
  16. [Colloq.] Grimace, an expressive distortion of the face, grimace. (Example: "He made a face at them.")
  17. Appearance, (Example: "From the face of it, it appears easy to do.")
  18. [Colloq.] Effrontery, audacity, assurance.
  19. In law, what is shown by the language of a document without explanation or addition.
  20. Prestige, (Example: "He was afraid to lose face.") [ < Chin. idiom], dignity, self-respect, prestige, (Example: "The football team lost face by its defeat."
    • lose face, loss of standing or reputation.
    • save face, To preserve one's reputation and standing; protect self-dignity against negative opinions of others.
  21. Face-value, the value marked on a written or printed note.
  22. Topography of an area.
  23. Functional side of a tool, such as a flat or rounded striking surface of a hammer.
  24. Long outer slope of a bastion, also the part of the line of defense ending with the curtain and the angle of the shoulder.
  25. A front or bounding surface, (Example: "The face of a cliff.")
  26. About-face, (v., n.), a change in direction or attitude.
  27. Volte-face (n.) a reversal in policy, similar to about-face.
  28. In military science, any of the sides of a formation, primarily in a square formation. To cause (a formation) to pivot by giving the command. To pivot in specified direction such as the command, "right face!"
  29. In mineralogy, any surface of a stone or crystal.
  30. In mining, the end of an excavation, end of tunnel or drift. Also, the sharply defined and important joint in coal running at right angles to the plane of stratification.
  31. In golf, the striking side of a club head. Side or slope of hillock or bunker.
  32. In typography,
    • The type or impression surface upon which a letter is cut. Printing part of a letter or plate.
    • The design, the size and style of the character or type.

faced; fac•ing

(fāst) [ME. facen < the n.]


  1. To turn, or have the face turned toward a specified thing, person, or a specific direction.
  2. In hockey, lacrosse, et cetera, to begin the game by tossing the ball or puck between the two opposing centers.
  3. Be in a position opposite to something, (Example: "The building faces the square.")
  4. To meet squarely, face to face.
    • face to face, confronting one another, hence,
    • very near, in the presence: followed by with.
  5. To confront brazenly, with boldness or courage. In slang, meaning to face up to. Realization, or becoming aware of some undeniable truth.
    • face-down, to disconcert or overcome another person or persons by confident bold mannerism.
    • with the face down, prone or wrong-side up.
    • opposition, defiance, in spite of.
  6. Readiness to embrace a fact, condition or realization.
    • face up to, face with courage, confront, resist. Readiness to face a fact, or consequence, condition, et cetera. American English slang, Face the music, meaning to "accept consequences," to deal with a negative outcome due to actions.
  7. To cover the front, surface with a new surface, for instance, to "face brick with stucco," or to "face a building with marble."
  8. To give a false appearance to something, (Example: "Alcohol was faced with caramel to make it appear like whiskey.")
  9. To put a smooth surface on something; a tool, stone, et cetera.
  10. To turn something face up, such as a card.
  11. In sewing, the addition of cloth to another piece of material to create a lining or trimming.
  12. To meet or direct contact, confrontation, i.e., to "face an issue".
  13. To stand or sit with the face toward some thing, such as "facing the ocean."
  14. To have the front oriented toward some thing, such as "the building faces the park."
  15. To have as or be a prospect, "Facing a bleak future."
  16. To turn one's face or body in a specified direction.


  • Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (College Edition) ©1955
  • The New World Family Encyclopedia, ©1955
  • Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary, Comprehensive International Edition, ©1976
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus, ©2004
  • Types of Skeletal Systems
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